Summit View Math Grants

Would your child benefit from online mathematics instruction?

Unfortunately, the SVL Grant Program is currently full. We are working diligently to fundraise in order to expand the Grant Program and take on new students. Please share info about giving to the Grant Program with as many people as you can to help us make high quality tutoring available for free to as many students as possible.

Who is eligible?

In order for your child to be eligible for a Summit View Math Grant, the following criteria must be met:

  • Your child is currently enrolled in a public school in the United States, and

  • Your child qualifies for free or reduced lunch through the school district OR your family has a financial need that makes it difficult to provide your child with additional math instruction.

How do I apply?

To apply for a Summit View Math Grant, complete the form below. A member of the Summit View Learning team will reach out by email to schedule a brief meeting on Zoom to share more information about the grant program and establish mathematics goals for your child. We’ll send an official grant offer after the meeting and connect you with an instructor to start working right away.

What happens if my child is awarded a Math Grant?

Grant recipients will be matched with an instructor based on their grade level and mathematical goals. The instructor will schedule weekly 1-hour sessions on Zoom that are specifically tailored to meet that student’s goals.

We're really excited to work with your child and we have a lot of students that are interested in accessing this program. In order to remain enrolled in the program, you and your child have to stay in good communication with your instructor and show up for your scheduled sessions.

Still have questions?

Reach out through our contact form and we’ll set up time to talk individually.

Summit View Math Grant Application Form